Intuitive Angel Readings

Personalized Intuitive Angel Readings

  • Would you like to be encouraged, uplifted and lovingly guided with regards to a particular situation or circumstance in your life right now?
  • Do you long to experience gentle comfort, hope and unconditional love in your life?
  • Do you desire support, a nudge or a pick-me-up?
  • Do you wish to be uplifted and inspired?

If you said “yes” to any or all of these questions, some angelic inspiration in the form of an intuitive angel reading may be just what you need to brighten your day, lift your spirit, and bring more joy, assurance and clarity to your life! Allow your angels to lend you a helping hand; they always have positive and loving guidance that they are eager to share with you!

When conducting angel readings, I use my psychic senses (the clairs) and intuitive guidance, any messages that your own angels provide me to share with you, and, when guided, one or more specially chosen angel oracle cards as a means to validate and expand upon your reading. Messages received from your angels are always encouraging, inspiring and supportive, so there is no need to fear that your angels will condemn or ridicule you. They are deeply compassionate beings who always have tremendous love and wisdom to share with you, and an intuitive angel reading is one way in which you can experience that love and wisdom.

In your customized angel reading, you may ask any questions that you wish, and receive wisdom, validation and/or loving support and encouragement from your angels to assist you.

  • Discover any guidance that your angels would like you to have, or information that they would like you to know at this time
  • Discover the names of your angels as I receive and perceive them
  • Be given a physical description of how I perceive your angels
  • Be given messages of love, support and encouragement from your angels
  • Be given spiritual tools that may allow you to sense, recognize, and/or communicate with your angels yourself

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our angels share positive, uplifting and often life-changing messages to guide and support us as we journey through our lives. Sometimes they share very specific guidance, validation, or suggestions, while at other times, they may simply offer words of wisdom, comfort, encouragement and love. Either way, angel readings are wonderful opportunities for you to experience comfort, wise counsel, steadfast support, and unconditional love from your angels.

Angel readings may be experienced in one of two ways:

1. Via phone or Skype: you may choose to invest in your customized angel reading via phone or Skype. Ask your angels any questions you may have as your reading progresses, and receive their loving answers and insights, and clarification on anything you’re unsure of. Phone or Skype readings are great, in that you can often experience the energy and vibrancy of your angels during your reading!

2. Via an audio MP3: ask the angels any questions you may have, and receive their loving answers and insights in the form of an emailed MP3 download! The information provided to assist you with each question in your email reading is generally around ten minutes in duration, usually somewhat longer.


30 Minute Angel Reading via Phone or Skype

Fee: $67.00

add an MP3 Recording of Your Reading :

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One Hour-long Angel Reading via Phone or Skype

Fee: $97.00

add an MP3 Recording of Your Reading :

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One Question

Angel Reading by Emailed MP3

Fee: $45.00

Add Additional Questions :
Please enter your questions here, or you may email Kim with your questions.:

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Would you love to be able to enjoy the powerful, guiding presence, wise insights and deep love of your angels on a daily basis? Angelic Empowerment sessions may be perfect for you!




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