Frequently Asked Questions


How can you assist me through your work as a spiritual intuitive?

For all of my life, people have been naturally drawn to me as a trusted confidant. My first priority is to serve you, and assist you in learning to attain a deeply fulfilling life, while being immersed in the love and guidance of Divinity and your angels. In our sessions together, I will provide you with practical and powerful tools which you can begin using immediately to deeply enhance your spiritual and personal growth. Also, I am devoted to tailoring each session to your specific needs, thereby giving you the personal attention and loving support you deserve. In serving you, I, in turn, am immensely blessed. I am extraordinarily passionate about what I do, and am exceedingly honored to be fulfilling my life’s work.

Who are my guardian angels?

Your guardian angels are tremendously loving spiritual beings who are with you to assist you throughout your life. They are explicitly dedicated to nurture, love, guard and guide you throughout your existence. Everyone has at least one guardian angel, often several! Also, angels can be called upon in any situation; for instance, to help you find a parking spot, to help you during recovery from an illness, or for further protection as you travel. They are beautiful beings who have tremendous compassion, joy and wisdom to share with you.

Will you tell me what direction to take in my life/what exact steps I should take to resolve my difficult situation/what decision I should make, etc?

In our sessions together, I will introduce you to powerful tools which may help you in discovering direction for your life, resolutions to your difficulties and choices that will best serve you, etc. But I will not tell you what choices to make or what is best for you. Only you, with the help of the God(s) of your understanding and your angels, can answer those questions.

Will what happens in our sessions be kept confidential?

Absolutely! Our sessions will always be safe and sacred times in which you can openly share your thoughts and feelings, without any fear of being judged or condemned. The only time when I would not honor confidentiality, is if I thought you were being harmed, or if I thought you were going to do harm to yourself or someone else. Then, of course, I would have to report this to the proper authorities.

During what hours do you schedule appointments?

Hours during which I schedule appointments include Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, eastern time. If none of these times work for you, please contact me, and we will arrange another time that is convenient for both of us.

Can I pay you in some form other than PayPal?

Yes, if you let me know before sending payment, you’re welcome to send me cash (at your own risk), or a check in U.S. dollars only. Your check must clear before we schedule your session.

Do I need to pay you before our session together?

Yes. I must receive your payment before our session together, unless we make other arrangements prior to your session.

I’d love to work with you, but I have no idea which of your services would work best for me. Can you help?

You’re most welcome to email me to discuss your unique needs, and to find out how I may best be able to assist you. Together, we can discuss which service(s) may be of the greatest benefit to you at this time.

Are healing sessions performed at a distance really effective?

Yes, healing sessions performed at a distance are very effective. In energy healing, distance sessions work very well because energy is everywhere, and sending healing energy to you is just as effective via distance as in person.

Are phone sessions as effective as in person sessions?

Absolutely. Conducting and receiving an angel reading, for instance, works well over the phone because I am simply connecting with your energy and essence and the energy and essence of the angels. Phone sessions are also very convenient, as there are no travel costs involved, and I can serve clients from across the country and around the world.

For sessions via phone, do you call me or do I call you?

If our session is via phone and you live in the United States or Canada, then I am happy to call you for your session. Please be sure to provide me with your phone number at least 24 hours prior to our scheduled appointment time. If you live outside the United States, then please call me promptly at are scheduled appointment time. Skype sessions are also available if you would prefer. Thank you and I look forward to working with you!

What happens if I have to miss my session?

If you must miss a session, please contact me at least 24 hours prior to our scheduled appointment time, and we can work together to get your session rescheduled.

How do you prepare for sessions with your clients?

Before conducting any of my services, whether they are via phone or remotely, I take between 10 and 20 minutes to center myself, meditate, pray and connect with the energy of my client and the energy of his or her angels. I also pray that God / Goddess uses me as an instrument of love, guidance and compassion during the upcoming session.

How should I prepare for a session with you?

If at all possible, just take a little quiet time prior to our session to get comfortable. Center, pray or reflect. Still your mind. Think about any questions you’d like to bring to the session, and what you’d like to accomplish as a result of our time spent together.

I ordered a reading / angel channel from you via email. When can I expect to receive it?

If you’ve ordered and paid for your angel channel or reading, and sent me any questions you’d like to have addressed, then you can expect to receive your angel channel or reading in your in-box within three business days. If there happens to be an unforeseen delay on my end that would prevent me from sending your angel channel or reading within that period of time, I’ll be sure to let you know immediately.

I’d love to have a reading with you, but I have no idea what specific questions to ask. What should I do?

Often, a wonderful question to ask is simply, “What do I need to know right now?”, or, “What message or messages would my angels like to share with me right now?” I often ask a question similar to this in my own readings, and the answers are always surprising and enlightening!

I have an additional question that is not answered on this page. What should I do?

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me, and I’ll do my very best to answer them for you. Thank you.



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