Diamond of Prosperity Attunement

Do you wish to feel more peaceful about your prosperity, financial and otherwise?

The Diamond of Prosperity (TM) is a Spiritual Gift of High Frequency Energy that is concentrated into a Diamond shape and can be passed from one person to another. The Diamond of Prosperity (TM) is a wonderful way to share energy and raise your vibrational level to increase your positive in-flow of prosperity.

The Diamond of Prosperity (TM) can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Increasing your positive in-flow of money and directing negative issues away
  • Working as an antenna to draw in positive inflow
  • Supporting you to earn money for your highest good as well as the highest good of others
  • Lifting your vibration as well as the planets vibration to prosperity
  • Working on your root chakra, where a lot of our financial/prosperity issues reside
  • Helping your finances reside in their proper place
  • Supporting the ethical use of money
  • Supporting true abundance

It’s important to know that the Diamond of Prosperity can be programmed for more than just financial issues! Many of us think that prosperity is just money, but this is not the case. Prosperity can also include things such as an abundance of:

  • love
  • happiness
  • peace / well-being
  • success
  • accomplishments
  • achievements
  • attainments / opportunities
  • capabilities
  • capacities
  • aptitude
  • greater joy
  • deeper gratitude


The Diamond of Prosperity (TM) was founded by Nicole Lanning, in order to help others with their financial needs. I received my own attunement to this wonderful system from Nicole, and have experienced fabulous results, including less worry and stress, more energy, focus and motivation, and greater prosperity in *all* areas of my life, including financial prosperity.

When you invest in the Diamond of Prosperity (TM), you will receive a PDF manual and a distance attunement to the Diamond of Prosperity, either performed at a mutually agreed upon time, or via chi ball. Your investment for the Diamond of Prosperity (TM) is $17.


Diamond of Prosperity (TM)

Fee: $17.00


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